Scripture states, the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps, a man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. See the Lord is the God of disruptions. He is in control of all things and he is the great Messer upper of human plans. Noah was going along minding his own business when God stepped in, disruptive whatever plans Noah had and told him to build an ark to reboot the whole world. Hey Tower of Babel under Nimrod’s rule the whole world had a plan believing they were building their own utopia, but God came down, messed up their plans and disrupted all of their lives with a humble restart. Abraham was chilling in his land of idolatry, until God disrupted his life of ease and told him to get going and keep going until the lord told him he’s arrived. Moses was enjoying his retirement hanging out with someone else’s sheep when God disrupted his life, messed up all his plans and sent him on an extraction mission in Egypt. David was playing his music thinking about his next composition to guide his father’s sheepDavid was playing his music thinking about his next composition to guide his father’s sheep when the lord anointed him king and took him from leading sheet to shepherding the Lords chosen people. Mary was doing whatever she was doing in preparation of her marriage to be, when she was told that she had been chosen to give birth to the Messiah, Jesus God the son in the Flesh. And Saul was on his way to murder some more Christians when the Lord stepped in knocked him down, messed up all his plans, and changed his name to Paul. When the Lord brings disruptions, He alters the entire course of human history; however, it has not been since Genesis 11 that the Lord is messed up the plans of man at one time on a global scale. Right now the Lord is acting on a global scale according to his own plans and disrupting every plan of man. He’s destroying the idols and everything mankind trust for comfort, security, pride, and the illusion of power and control. Now that He’s gotten the world’s attention with the coronavirus, the Lord is calling us to look up, but He’s commanding true believers in Christ to unity and faithfully show the unbelieving world Jesus is the Way, the truth, and the life. And no one comes to the Father except through Christ Jesus. The Lord created one race of humans and His heaven will be fulfilled with nothing but true believers from every nation, tribe and tongue under the sun. The Lord through this virus is showing us that He is not interested in the color of your skin{ it’s dust}, He’s concerned about his glory. He’s not partial to our cultural traditions, He’s concerned about the truth of His word and salvation found in Christ Jesus alone He’s concerned about the truth of His word and salvation found in Christ Jesus alone. The Lord’s judgment begins first at the house of God and He’s calling us to forsake our idols, our compromise, our pride, and slandering our brothers while trying to draw o our compromise, our pride, and slandering our brothers while trying to draw others to ourselves in an effort to build our own empires under the guise of being torchbearers of all that is right. John 13:35…” by this, all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another”. Galatians 5:15-16…” But if you bite and devour one another, beware least you be consumed by one another! I say then: walking the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh”. So, we all have this choice, I can trust the devil I know and stay the person I’ve always been,, or I can trust God to become the person I’ve never known or have ever been. Sounds 34:8 says, “oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trust in him”! Jeremiah 17 :5 says,” blessed is the man who trust in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord.” Pastor Joe Bell
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