January 18, 2025
What a wonderful time to serve the Lord. God has blessed us with so many gifted individuals. We don’t want anyone within the CC family to feel left out. So, ask the Lord how he has gifted you (hint! It’s something you desire and something you’re interested in.) Then look for the open door of ministry. It may be children’s ministry, youth ministry, music, greeter, usher, sending cards to shut-ins or visitors, writing, power point, sound system, assisting Perry and Diego with technology, website, or a host of other things. Pray about it, then move on it.
The Rapture! We are doing a timely and strategic series on “The Rapture!”
We covered the raptures in the Bible. Did you know there are several raptures recorded in the Bible? If you missed it last week, check it out on Youtube, Facebook, or Rumble. Just type in Calvary Chapel Indiana and scan around, you’ll find us. Fast forward through the worship and announcements until you arrive at the message. This week we’ll be covering 5 “types” of raptures in the Bible. “Typology,” is an historical Biblical event or person that prefigures a coming reality. This will be an encouraging study. Invite a guest, especially those who need Jesus.
Prophecy Conference: Mark your calendar for Saturday, March, 29th. Special guest speakers include Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Patrick Wood, Tom Hughes, Dr. Tommy Ice, and William Federer. Jack Hibbs and others are sending special greetings to our conference.
Prophetic Watch!
“After Fiery Ultimatum From Trump, Hamas Agrees To Limited Hostage Deal Beginning On Eve Of Inauguration”
Upcoming Events
- Friday, January 17th: Friday Night Bible Study at 6:30 pm. We will be studying 3 John as John writes to Gaius, his old friend in the Truth, about hospitality, fellowship, and the Faith. Please come out and join us for food, fellowship and the Word of God!
- Sunday, January 19th: Adult Bible Class will be focusing on Ephesians 1:3-14
- Save the Date! March 29th~ Prophecy Conference!