February 14, 2025
I’m writing this email update on Valentine’s Day, and I hope you’re having a good one. Our family has always had a great Valentine’s Day, because our oldest son was born on this day many years ago. His daughter, Emma, was born the day before Valentine’s Day, so we always have their birthday party together, which we will do after church on Sunday.
CC Men’s Breakfast with special speaker Tom Camp, pastor of Harvest Chapel, Saturday, March 1st.
Healing Focus! Sunday, March 2nd. Let’s believe God for an outpouring of His Spirit and trust Him for the miraculous healing of those in need. (Psalm 107:20)
March Carry-in Meal: Sunday, March 2nd, following morning worship
2025 CC Midwest Bible Prophecy Conference, March 29th See prophetic watch below for details.
Prophetic Watch!
First, the thought crossed my mind today as Vice President Vance was speaking to the European leaders at the Munich Security Conference, that his forceful speech angered the leaders of the EU so much that they will begin to look for a leader among them that matches and exceeds the authoritarian leadership of President Trump and V.P Vance. We’re talking about the rise of the antichrist who will come somewhere out of Europe. Very interesting!
Prophecy Conference . . .
Dae Hunt once said “Bible Prophecy is one of the best defenses (Apologetics) of the Christian Faith!” We have a one day Bible Prophecy conference Saturday, March 29th, 2025 with outstanding speakers that include Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Patrick Wood, William Federer, Tom Hughes, and Dr. Tommy Ice. The conference begins at 9:00 a.m. and runs all day with breaks for lunch and dinner. Also coffee breaks. Our Bible Prophecy conferences always edify, educate, and encourage the believers, and offer an invitation for the non-Christian to know Christ personally. Please forward this email to your friends, family, and those that might be interested. Check out the details at www.cchapelbp.org
CC Midwest Bible Prophecy Conference
– Saturday, March 29, 2025 –
William Federer: Where is America Now?
Patrick Wood: AI, Technocracy & Transhumanism!
Dr. Thomas Ice: ISRAEL, Key to The End!
Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Live-stream, LIVE!
Tom Hughes, Live-stream LIVE from ISRAEL!
Conference starts at 9:00 am, doors open at 8:00 am
Conference is free, a free-will donation is appreciated
Conference details can be found online: cchapelbp.org
Pastor Joe
Upcoming Events:
- Sunday, February 16th: Adult Bible Class topic will be Ephesians 1 Spiritual Blessings in the Heavenlies Part 2
- Thursday, February 20th: Lunch Bunch @ 12 noon. Bring something to share for lunch! And bring a friend!
- Saturday, March 1st: Men’s Breakfast
- Sunday, March 2nd: Healing Focus Sunday. Carry-In Lunch immediately following morning worship.
Calvary Chapel Prayer Group: Our group administrators want to remind us that our FaceBook prayer group is a closed private group for all those in good standing at CC. Anyone can post their prayer requests on the wall. Just prayer requests, on a white background, black letters, no pictures please. For others not on Facebook, write your prayer requests on a piece of paper and put them in the offering box. These prayer requests will be prayed over at the Hour of Power by our prayer warriors. If you have any private prayer requests for Pastor Joe and our elders, write “private requests” on the paper and give it to one of our elders to be prayed over.
40 Days for Life Spring Campaign:Please consider spending an hour or two praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood March 5th- April 13th. You can sign up at the website 40daysforlife.com/lafayette for vigil hours on the on-line calendar. Thank you.