March 21, 2025
I’ve been in contact with our Bible Prophecy Conference speakers, and, oh boy, are they excited for the conference next Saturday, the 29th. Of course, we are too! We have people coming from all over the country. Will we have enough room? Probably not, but we’ll do what we can to accommodate everyone. Again, we ask you to pray for the conference and the attendees. Pray that everyone will be edified, educated, and informed. Pray that the lost will come to Christ. Pray for our speakers: Dr. Tommy Ice, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Tom Hughes, Patrick Wood, and Bill Federer. Do we have time for all our speakers? No, but we’ll work it out.
People, do you realize how blessed we are to have such gifted communicators speak in little ol’ Lafayette? Praise The Lord!
Special feature of the conference: Bill Federer and Patrick Wood will speak on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, Dr. Tommy Ice and Patrick Wood will share.
Don’t forget, even though we do not charge for the conference, we have lots of expenses to host this great event. Any contribution toward the conference is appreciated. Pray that God will meet the conference expenses abundantly (Ephesians 3:20).
As we turn our attention to April, we are looking at the spring feast celebrations: Passover, Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday. Be praying for your family and friends and prepare to invite them to these wonderful opportunities.
Pastor Joe
Upcoming Events
Friday Night Bible Study: Will meet this Friday, March 21st, at 6:30 p.m. Please come out for food, fellowship, and the Word of God!!!
Sunday, March 23rd: Adult Bible Class topic is Ephesians 1, Spiritual Blessings, 40 Things that Happen at the Moment of Salvation. No class on March 30th, just fellowship.
Saturday, March 29th: Prophecy Conference!
Sunday, March 30th: Prophecy Conference Sunday, with carry-in meal immediately following morning worship. We always have extra guests and visitors at this carry-in meal, so please bring some extra, so there will be plenty for everyone. Thank you.
Saturday, April 5th: Men’s Monthly Breakfast at 8:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 6th: April Carry-In Meal immediately following morning worship
Cookies/Water/Fruit for Prophecy Conference: “Thank you” to all who have volunteered to bring snacks for the conference. Please drop them off on Thursday, March 27th and Friday, March 28th.