February 21, 2025
Dear Calvary Chapel Family
We have some brothers and sisters who are going thru a very challenging time and need our prayers, love, and encouragement. Rose Powell lost her husband this week, and he is now in the arms of Jesus. Billy Jusko did not receive the report he had hoped on his cancer biopsy. He will meet with his doctor to go over his options. Katie Kawsky has been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and will meet with a neurologist to discover what can be done. If you can join some of us who will be praying and fasting Sunday night through Monday until dinner time, that would be nice. If you are not able to fast for that 24-hour time, then consider fasting and praying from noon to 1 pm Monday. If you are unable to fast, just simply agree with us in “believing prayer.”
We will lift these and other brothers and sisters at our “Healing Focus,” Sunday, March 2nd.
CC Men’s Breakfast, Saturday, March 1st, Tom Camp, pastor of Harvest Chapel will be speaking.
“HEALING FOCUS!” Sunday, March 2nd. We will be praying for those who need that special healing touch from Jesus.
March Carry-in Meal, Sunday, March 2nd following morning worship. Bring your favorite dish and a little extra for our guests.
BIBLE PROPHECY CONFERENCE: Saturday, March 29th Pray for this important conference.
Prophetic Watch!
Patrick Wood, special speaker coming up at our Midwest Bible Prophecy Conference, March 29th. Patrick is an expert in AI issues, technocracy, and transhumanism. He is author of, “THE EVIL TWINS of TECHNOCRACY AND TRANSHUMANISM.
Pastor Joe
Upcoming Events:
- Friday, February 21st: The Friday Night Bible Study, which starts at 6:30 p.m., will be studying the book of Jude who writes to those who have been called !He writes to the Church about Godless men who have slipped in and corrupted the Faith. He encourages us to preserve and contend for our Faith. Please come out and join us for food, fellowship and the Word of God!
- Sunday, February 23rd: Adult Bible Class topic will be Ephesians 1 Spiritual Blessing
- Saturday, March 1st: Men’s Breakfast @ 8:30 a.m. Guest speaker Tom Camp
- Sunday, March 2nd: Healing Focus Sunday. Carry-In Lunch immediately following morning worship
40 Days for Life Spring Campaign: Please consider spending an hour or two praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood March 5th – April 13th. You can sign up at the website 40daysforlife.com/lafayette for vigil hours on the on-line calendar. Thank you.