George & Baht Rivka Whitten of Worthy Ministries will be with us Wednesday, September 11th, at the Wednesday Evening Bible Study, starting at 7 p.m. Worthy Ministries is a Christian organization based both in the United States and Israel, with a global outreach to more than 120 countries. George is a speaker, author, journalist and chief editor of the leading pro-Israel Christian news website, Worthy News. Israeli-born Rivka is an accomplished musician, and worship leader. This has turned into a full-fledged music ministry, which she labeled “Lazman Hazeh Music” (For such a time as this, in Hebrew). Also, the Whittens pioneered an Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) Outreach from their Negev home, to which anyone (believers as well as seeking Israelis) who doesn’t have a place to go for Shabbat is invited.
September 14: Ladies who Love the Lord Gathering
Bring your “worship voice” and “Sing Praises Unto Him!” Good ol’ fashioned hymn sing with Nancy Vollmer on the keyboard. Devotion on worship and what honors God with a time of singing praises unto Him. Ladies are welcome to bring a friend. Coffee is ready by 9:30 a.m., teaching and fellowship from 10 a.m. until noon.
Fall Ladies Retreat
Please sign up by the end of August, so we can confirm our room reservations. Thank you! for more info, talk to Peggy or Karen.
Niki Lou Savich: July 26th
Niki Lou Savich CD listening party
Introducing her new album
“Million Tears”
Friday July 26th at 6:30 pm
Hosted by Calvary Chapel Lafayette
There will be finger foods, so come enjoy
as Niki shares her journey in the making
of “Million Tears”
Sign up for a door prize as well!
See you there!
Kids Summer Sunday School Special: Month of July!
Since this is an Olympic year our theme is Summer Games. It will be for 3 weeks (July 14, 21, & 28) during the regular Sunday School class time. We will learn about biblical figures who exemplified faith during difficult times. Week 1: Daniel, Training to Win; Week 2: Elijah, Running the Race; Week 3: Paul, Finishing Strong. Weather-permitting we will go outside to play games such as bean bag toss and goofy golf. (no hard-core sports) Kids are encouraged to wear casual and comfortable clothes and shoes. Feel free to invite your friends, neighbors, and relatives. (Ages 2-12)
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