Doors open at 8:00 a.m., with the conference starting at 9:00 a.m. Speakers (in-person): Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Dr. Tommy Ice, Pastor Mike Macintosh. Speakers (live-stream): Pastor Jack Hibbs, Pastor Tom Hughes, Don Stewart. Please be praying for our speakers and the conference.
Men’s Bible Study on” ZOOM”
Men’ s bible study in still goin on through the app “ZOOM”. Download through your play store and join us Wednesday’s at 12 noon and Thursday evenings at 7pm.
Weekly Update
January 18, 2025
What a wonderful time to serve the Lord. God has blessed us with so many gifted individuals. We don’t want anyone within the CC family to feel left out. So, ask the Lord how he has gifted you (hint! It’s something you desire and something you’re interested in.) Then look for the open door of ministry. It may be children’s ministry, youth ministry, music, greeter, usher, sending cards to shut-ins or visitors, writing, power point, sound system, assisting Perry and Diego with technology, website, or a host of other things. Pray about it, then move on it.
The Rapture! We are doing a timely and strategic series on “The Rapture!”
We covered the raptures in the Bible. Did you know there are several raptures recorded in the Bible? If you missed it last week, check it out on Youtube, Facebook, or Rumble. Just type in Calvary Chapel Indiana and scan around, you’ll find us. Fast forward through the worship and announcements until you arrive at the message. This week we’ll be covering 5 “types” of raptures in the Bible. “Typology,” is an historical Biblical event or person that prefigures a coming reality. This will be an encouraging study. Invite a guest, especially those who need Jesus.
Prophecy Conference: Mark your calendar for Saturday, March, 29th. Special guest speakers include Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Patrick Wood, Tom Hughes, Dr. Tommy Ice, and William Federer. Jack Hibbs and others are sending special greetings to our conference.
Prophetic Watch!
“After Fiery Ultimatum From Trump, Hamas Agrees To Limited Hostage Deal Beginning On Eve Of Inauguration”
Upcoming Events
- Friday, January 17th: Friday Night Bible Study at 6:30 pm. We will be studying 3 John as John writes to Gaius, his old friend in the Truth, about hospitality, fellowship, and the Faith. Please come out and join us for food, fellowship and the Word of God!
- Sunday, January 19th: Adult Bible Class will be focusing on Ephesians 1:3-14
- Save the Date! March 29th~ Prophecy Conference!
Sunday Morning Services Live streamed
April 24th 2020
CC Update . . .
On Sunday, March 1st , we had our annual “Healing Focus” not knowing two weeks later we would not be able to meet as a body of believers that we were so accustomed and comfortable in doing. We began “live streaming” March 15th and have been doing that for the last six Sundays. This Sunday, the 26th . will be our 7th Sunday live streaming. Things have happened so fast with the COVID-19 pandemic; I’m still shaking my head. I believe God has multiple purposes in allowing this apocalyptic event to happen, not the least of which is for we Christians to reassess our priorities and re-align our purposes with the plan and will of God. As we surrender our lives, family, and church into God’s hands, we are in a position to go forward in confidence no matter how the pandemic and meltdown of the economy plays out. I’m reminded of the words of God to Joshua, after the death of Moses, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9). We can take heart with the power of God’s presence and the authority of His promises as we press on to some outstanding and supernatural works of God that lie ahead. Peg and I love you and pray for you.
Bible Studies: Our ZOOM and FB Bible Studies are going very well; I couldn’t be more pleased. The men’s and women’s studies have been going for a few weeks. We added a Wednesday night study and had fifteen people for the study. We will send the ZOOM address via email before the studies.
Live Streaming: You can reach our Sunday morning stream at 10:30 am. If you miss it, you can catch it again at 1:00 pm and the rest of the day. On YouTube type in the search, Calvary Chapel Indiana Lafayette. Note: Indiana before Lafayette. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. There’s no cost. You can also access by going to our web site:
Giving: We pray that God is meeting your needs during this downturn in the economy. We appreciate your faithful giving to Calvary Chapel during these crazy times. We are still able to support our missionaries, ministries, and pay all the bills, and we praise His name for that. “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)
Contact: You can contact me at my email address:, or leave a message at the church 765-477-7744 and I will get back with you ASAP! God Bless, Pastor Joe Bell
EVERY SUNDAY EVENING AT FIVE PM WE HOLD A PRAYER SERVICE IN THE SANCTUARY, TO PRAY FOR OUR CHRUCH, OUR CITY, OUR NATION & IT’S LEADERS, ISRAEL, THE MISSIONARIES, ALSO THE SICK AND HURTING. COME AND UNITE WITH US AND LEAN ON THE LORD IN PRAYER, ESPECIALLY IN THE UNCERTAIN TIMES. Now with the quarantine in place we are having prayer meeting through the app”ZOOM’. Download it through your play store and join in on the Hour of Power Prayer meeting! Prayer starts at 5pm.